


(영어)성경공부자료(English Bible Study Materials)

The Three Hebrews(3명의 히브리인들;다니엘의 세 친구들)
The Three Hebrews Daniel 3 (NIV) Even though God sent his prophets many of the kings of Israel still did not ob...

Jonah – God's Reluctant Prophet(마지 못해 하는 하나님의 선지자-요나)/Jonah 1-4(욘1:-4:)
Jonah – God's Reluctant Prophet Jonah 1-4 (NIV) Jonah was one of God's propehts. God had someth...

Elijah's Prayer Answered(응답 받은 엘리야의 기도)/1 Kings 18:16-45(왕상18:16-45)
Elijah's Prayer Answered 1 Kings 18:16-45 (NIV) Just as Elijah prophesied there was no rain in Israel for ...

Elijah God's Prophet(하나님의 선지자 엘리야)/1 Kings 17:1-5(왕상17:1-5)
Elijah God's Prophet 1 Kings 17:1-5 The kings of Judah and Israel often need to be reminded to worship and s...

Divided Kingdom(분열된 왕국)/ 1 Kings 12:7(왕상12:7)
Divided Kingdom 1 Kings 12:7 When King Solomon died Rehoboam, his son, became the next King. The people said

King Solomon and the Temple(솔로몬 왕과 성전)/1 Kings 3:9 (왕상3:9 )
King Solomon and the Temple 1 Kings 3:9 When King David grew very old and knew that he would not live much longe...

David Sings Songs to God(하나님께 찬송시를 부르는 다윗)/Psalm 23(시23:)
David Sings Songs to God Psalm 23 David served Saul faithfully even though Saul became jealous of him and even tr...

David and Goliath(다윗과 골리앗)/1Samuel 17:1-58(삼상17:1-58 )
David and Goliath 1Samuel 17:1-58 Now King Saul was a good king at the beginning of his reign, but he didn't...

Israel's First King(이스라엘의 첫번째 왕)/1Samuel 9:15-17(삼상9:15-17)
Israel's First King 1Samuel 9:15-17 Samuel had been a faithful judge all his life. When he grew old he appo...

Samuel(사무엘)/1 Samuel 2:26(삼상2:26)
Samuel 1 Samuel 2:26 In the days of the Judges there was a man named Elkanah who had two wives. One of these wive...

Ruth(룻)/Ruth 1:16 (룻1:16)
Ruth Ruth 1:16 During the time of the Judges there was a famine in the land. Because of the famine an Israelite ...

Gideon(기드온)/Judges 6 & 7(삿6:-삿7:)
Gideon Judges 6 & 7 (NIV) The Israelites once again turned to God for help. The Midianites were oppressing them. ...

Judges(사사들)/ Judges 1:1-(삿1:1-)
Judges Judges 1:1- God gave Israel many victories under the leadership of Joshua and much of the land of Cannaan was now theirs...

The Fall of Jericho(여리고 성 함락)/Joshua 6(수6:)
The Fall of Jericho Joshua 6 (NIV) When the Canaanite Kings heard how the LORD had dried up the Jordan River befo...

Crossing The Jordan River(요단 강 건너기)/Joshua 1:2(수1:2)
Crossing The Jordan River Joshua 1:2 Because of thier lack of faith God had the Israelites live in the wilderness...

Exploring Canaan(가나안 땅 정탐)/Numbers 13(민13:)
Exploring Canaan Numbers 13 Moses sent out 12 spies into the Land of Canaan which God had promised to Israel.

The Tabernacle in the Wilderness(광야의 언약궤)/Exodus 25:8(출25:8)
The Tabernacle in the Wilderness Exodus 25:8 God not only gave Moses laws for the Israelites to obey but He also ...

The 10 Commandments(십계명)/Exodus 20:1-17 (출20:1-17 )
The 10 Commandments Exodus 20:1-17 NIV God brought the Israelites to Mount Sinai and God spoke to Moses from the ...

Crossing the Red Sea(홍해 건너기)/Exodus 13:7-22 & 14:1-29(출13:7-22, 출14:1-29)
Crossing the Red Sea Exodus 13:7-22 & 14:1-29 NIV God led the people of Israel to the Red Sea where he preformed ...

The Plagues upon Egypt<애굽(이집트)에 내린 역병>/Exodus 5:1(출5:1)
The Plagues upon Egypt Exodus 5:1 Read in Exodus 5:1 (NIV) to see what Moses and Aaron had to say to Pharaoh and...